Janet Tifft is a second generation native Arizonan. She was born October 26, 1932 and raised in Douglas, Arizona. She received a B. A. in Art Education at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ in 1956, and a Master of Art Education at the University of Arizona in 1966.

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The artwork that appear on my website can be interpreted as a form of my biography. Each image, color, pattern, line, arrangement of shapes (composition) that appears reflects my love, appreciation, and fascination with nature. At the time I made the effort to record it meant that it was important to me. What you see on my website represents at least 50 years of evolving work.

What are the changes you can see?

Is one aware of a difference in focus over the years?

I see there is less subject matter, there are more and more non-objective and abstract pieces.

All doodles, “stream of consciousness”