SAWG “Experimental Show” entries

My entries for the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild’s 2014  Experimental Show


In this painting the mat is incorporated into the main image with bits of phrases and letters. (Click image to enlarge)

“Bits of QTC*”
*Quantum Temporal Cosmology



This painting has been “recycled” using bits of letters and words to describe the dimensions of color.


Ten to the Minus Forty Third (Planck Time)

Abstract watercolor by Janet Tifft

49A-ten to the negative forty third (Planck time 10^-43)The singularity, the instant of the Big Bang, the beginning of time and the universe, the spark of life… Expressed in an abstract design using random shapes and changing colors. This painting evolved on its own. One space suggested the next, one color morphed into another. What fun it was!





Petroglyphs: Masking Lesson

Screen Shot 2014-02-16 at 2.27.22 PM

A (rock art) painting owned by my niece.

Given that this is a transparent watercolor, the white images of the petroglyphs have to be planned for in advance because the white of the paper has to be saved. This can be done one of two ways, using a mask/masking fluid or painting around the whites.

In this painting the petroglyph images were masked out first. Once the masking has thoroughly dried then the underpainting washes of color are laid on top of the masking (which is nearly invisible at this point). Once that paint has dried, one rubs off the maskit and the images appear again on top of the soft blended colors of the background.

Another example of the use of maskit. The design assignment was “RED” as subject matter.

Grandmother's Menagerie

Grandmother’s Menagerie